May 10, 2006

Make Your Blog Grow with SEO

Continuing along with the online portion of our series Make Money Work for You. I thought I'd pass along a very resourceful website for bloggers who are blogging for dollars (or pennies) is a wealth of information for bloggers who are looking to improve their blog from monitization to readership and is the leading blog in its topic area.

Darren Rowse has an extremely helpful guide to SEO optimization for search engines.
Though when people mention SEO to bloggers many would rather eat glass than go through the hassle of optimzation.

Though, it is not that hard to optimize for search engine sucess. Here are a few tips Darren gives. You can optimize your blog both onsite and offsite techniques including inserting keywords into your posts, trading links, buying links and submitting your blog to various blogging directories. You can read more about Darren's SEO tips at