May 29, 2006

Jump Start Your Diet

Starting a diet or a fitness routine can be an empowering and exciting thing to do. As time goes by though those feeling of empowerment may wear off and turn to feelings of dread and annoyance, which quickly makes some people want to drop their diet or fitness routine all together. But there are some ways to combat diet fatigue and get back to your goals of a healthy lifestyle.

Here are some things you can do to get back on track:

Have a visual motivator.

Put up an ad of a fit model on your wall in front of your exercise area or hang a pair of jeans you want fit back into to motivate you towards your goal. This is a good method to fight off procrastination.

Recognize your achievements

Whenever you surprise your self by making that extra effort to achieve don’t say, “Wow, I can’t believe I did that.” Instead say, “I knew you had it in you. You really can do it,” (You can say this out loud if you feel empowered enough) it sounds cheesy, but this method really works in the long run. You can even do something special for yourself when you reach a milestone mark and are starting to see results of your effort.

You can read more here

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